2.03The translation - Where was Carroux used, where was the text retranslated?
The German translation of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ (1978) as featured on the DVD is a rather consistent and very stable one. Translating this text may prove to be difficult for two reasons. Firstly the translator is subject to a number of translation conventions as Carroux’ book, the only German version available at the time, already provided German versions for Tolkien’s dialogue as well as the names for his characters. The other reason is that Bakshi’s movie, as described above, moves between genres and changes the way it treats Tolkien’s text from scene to scene. In one scene it is a children’s movie with cute little people behaving in a cute and funny way and in the next scene warriors slay Orcs by the dozen. Sometimes it quotes Tolkien word for word, sometimes it even contradicts him. If the translator does not wish to deliver a different movie altogether he has to treat these swings carefully. Although much, possibly even most of the mood is conveyed by the visual impressions in a movie, the dialogue completes the picture and the writer/translator is able to underline different aspects to clarify what would be a confusing plot and to create more insight into the characters.
I will again advance through the DVD dialogue text chapter by chapter and compare my findings in the English text with the German version.
Chapter 1 of the DVD does not include any spoken text.
Chapter 2, the narrated introduction, is a direct translation from Bakshi’s script. No part of this text is taken from Carroux, and even the dialogue between Sméagol and Déagol is retranslated.
The translator uses the opportunity of this introduction to explain the word Hobbit to his German audience. He translates Bakshi’s line ‘It was Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit, who took the Ring back to the Shire, his home.’ as ‘So kam es, dass der Hobbit Bilbo Beutlin, ein Halbling also, den Ring mitnahm in seine Heimat, ins Auenland.’
Chapter 3, Bilbo’s party in its translation, is also not as true to Carroux’ written dialogue as Bakshi’s English text is to Tolkien’s. The translator only copies ‘Ich kenn die Hälfte von euch nicht halb so gut, wie ich gern möchte, und ich mag weniger als die Hälfte von euch auch nur halb so gern, wie ihr es verdient.’ from C 54 almost unchanged, but changes Odo Proudfoot’s interruption ‘Stolzfüße!’ (C 53) into ‘Stolzfüß!’ and replaces Tolkien’s ‘Grubbs’, one of the families that Bilbo welcomes at the party by the ‘Brandybucks’ instead of Carroux’ ‘Grubers’ (C 53). Note that the actor speaking the German voice of Bilbo Baggins says ‘Brandybucks’ and not ‘Brandybocks’, which would have been Carroux’ rendition of Merry’s family name.
Chapter 4, Gandalf’s return to Frodo, is translated with Bakshi’s script as a basis. Even the few lines, that Bakshi had taken out of Tolkien’s version were roughly rewritten. The most notable difference to Carroux is probably a changed version of the Ring inscription ‘One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them’ (T 66). Although every other German translation makes use of the rhyme by von Freymann as typed in Carroux’ translation ‘Ein Ring, sie zu knechten, sie alle zu finden, Ins Dunkel zu treiben und ewig zu binden’ (C 82), the translator of the Bakshi movie rewrites the text as ‘Ein Ring, sie alle zu knechten, ein Ring, sie alle zu finden, ein Ring, sie ins Dunkle zu treiben, ein Ring, sie ewig zu binden’, a mixed version between a literal translation and the one in Carroux’ text with a different rhythm.
Much of the rest of the original scene, the discovery of Sam as well as Gandalf’s decision to have Sam accompany Frodo, which are almost word for word out of Tolkien’ text, are again not taken from Carroux, but translated anew. Bakshi’s mix up with the name of Saruman or Aruman is not taken into the German translation.
Chapter 5, considering that it has not been in Tolkien’s book in this form, is very well translated. Again the translator chooses to explain the connections of the various characters to one another to his German audience. For ‘You are saying, that we should join with Mordor? With him?’ he writes ‘Du willst dich mit ihm verbünden? Mit Mordor? Mit Sauron?’.
Chapter 6 shows the four Hobbits on their way. The few lines of dialogue are translated directly from Bakshi’s text. The translated end of the scene, a few lines of text originally from T 139, are partly taken from Carroux’ version of the same scene on C 156f. In one line the Bakshi translator uses a questionable reference to the Christian God. If one reads Carroux (too much) and Krege (not enough) the problem of hitting the right spot here becomes apparent.
T 139‘You are a set of deceitful scoundrels!’ he said, turning to the others. ‘But bless you!’
C 157»Ihr seid eine hinterlistige Gaunerbande!« sagte er, zu den andern gewandt. »Aber gepriesen sollt ihr sein!«
K 147»... Ihr seid mir eine ganz hinterlistige Bande!« sagte er zu den anderen. »Aber ich danke euch.«
B 6
FrodoBless you, you deceitful scoundrels.
FrodoGott segne euch, ihr hinterlistigen Schurken.
Chapter 7 introduces the inn of the Prancing Pony. The translation follows Bakshi’s text, but quotes from von Freymann/Carroux as Frodo sings his song. Bakshi has Frodo sing the first three lines of the first verse from T 209 and his German translator the first four lines of the same verse from C 226. After a cut to a scene with Merry outside the inn, Bakshi lets Frodo sing a couple of made up lines, which the translator omits rightfully. The two lines making up the end of the song after another cut, originally the first two lines of the twelfth verse on T 211 are replaced by the translator by a line from verse three ‘Spitzt er das Ohr und freut sich sehr’ (C 226) and the made up line ‘und schwenkt, und schwenkt den Schweif hin und her’.
Both Bakshi and the translator were driven of the urge to include a little of Tolkien’s rich collection of songs and poems, but to do so in very little time. The result is in no way bad and the impression of Hobbits as lively fits Tolkien’s descriptions very well. It appears to me that there must have been difficulties with Frodo’s singing voice, for the few verses were definitely not sung by the actor who provided Frodo’s German voice, but by the distinctive German voice of Sam.
Chapter 8, the introduction of Aragorn, features mostly text by Tolkien. There are, however, a few interesting lines.
T 226‘... I think one of his spies would – well, seem fairer and feel fouler, if you understand.’
‘I see,’ laughed Strider. ‘I look foul and feel fair. Is that it?’
C 243»... Ich glaube, einer seiner Späher würde – nun ja, anständiger aussehen und gemeiner denken, wenn Ihr das versteht.«
»Ja, das verstehe ich«, lachte Streicher. »Ich sehe gemein aus und denke anständig. Ist es so?«
B 8
I don't know, Sam. I think one of the Enemy's servants would, well, seem fairer and feel fouler, if you understand.
While I look foul and feel fair, is that it?
Ich weiß nicht, Sam, wenn der Feind einen Spion schickt, dann wählt er zwar sicher einen finsteren Burschen, aber einen, der einen harmlosen Eindruck macht.
Haha, während ich ein harmloser Bursche bin, der finster aussieht, meinst du das?
The solution the Bakshi translator delivers is simple, his words have been chosen better than those in Carroux’ text. He is also not as descriptive as Krege (see 1.02).
Chapter 9, as in the English version, features no spoken dialogue.
Chapter 10, Midgewater and Weathertop, is mostly retranslated. As the story of Beren and Lúthien, that Aragorn tells on T 255f, is heavily shortened here, its German translation is a direct translation of that shortened version and does not resemble Carroux’ text at all.
The name of the company’s pony is mentioned for the first time in this chapter. Sam calls the pony ‘Bill’ as in all the English versions of Tolkien’s book. The German Sam, however, calls the pony ‘Bill’ as well and not ‘Lutz’, which is the name Carroux invents for the animal and neither Krege nor Fröhlich dare change.
Chapter 11, the introduction of Legolas and the flight to the ford consists mostly of original dialogue by Bakshi and is translated as such. One line at the end of the chapter by Legolas, which had been originally one of Glorfindel’s is retranslated, although it may be argued that this is not one of Carroux’ best lines as she translates ‘upon’ as ‘über’.
T 280‘Fly!’ he called. ‘Fly! The enemy is upon us!’
C 297»Fliehe!« rief er. »Fliehe! Der Feind ist über uns!«
B 11
Fly! Fly, the Enemy is upon us!
Flieh! Flieh! Frodo, reite so schnell du kannst!
Chapter 12, the conclusion of the same scene, features almost exclusively dialogue written like this by Tolkien. The translator chooses to ignore Carroux and to translate the text himself. Even lines as simple as ‘The Ring! The Ring!’, shouted repeatedly by the Ringwraiths as in T 282 are not translated as in C 299 as ‘Der Ring! Der Ring!’, but as ‘Den Ring! Den Ring!’. There is one surprise in the last line of the chapter, as the translator chooses to approach Tolkien and Carroux even closer than Bakshi’s writers themselves.
T 282‘By Elbereth and Lúthien the fair,’ said Frodo with a last effort, lifting up his sword, ‘you shall have neither the Ring nor me!’
C 299»Bei Elbereth und Lúthien der schönen!« sagte Frodo mit letzter Kraft und hob sein Schwert. »Weder den Ring noch mich sollt ihr haben!«
B 12
By all the Shire! You shall have neither the Ring nor me!
Bei Elbereth und Lúthien ihr sollt weder den Ring noch mich haben.
Bakshi does not use the possibly confusing reference to Elbereth and Lúthien, but the more simple ‘By all the Shire!’. His translator restores Frodo’s line, translating Tolkien directly rather than copying Carroux, as may be seen by the syntax in the second half of the sentence.
Chapter 13, the first one in Rivendell, does not quote from Tolkien. Frodo’s first line ‘Verily I come.’ Is from the end of the book, but the translator ignores this fact.
Chapter 14 begins with Bilbo reciting a poem. The translator delivers a new, and by no means weaker, translation of this poem, possibly not having realised that it comes originally from Tolkien, even though, as explained above, from a different chapter.
T 252The leaves were long, the grass was green,
The hemlock-umbels tall and fair,
And in the glade a light was seen
Of stars in shadow shimmering.
Tinúviel was dancing there
C 270Das Gras war grün, das Laub hing dicht,
Die Schierlingsdolden blühten breit,
Da huschte durch den Wald ein Licht,
Wie Sternenglanz zur Erde fällt.
Tinúviel tanzte, Elbenmaid
B 14
The leaves were long, the grass was green
But the hemlock-umbels tall and fair
And in the glade a light was seen
Of stars in shadow, shimmering
Tinúviel was dancing there
Das Laub war dicht, das Gras war grün,
durch schimmernde Zweige das Mondlicht schien.
Auf einer Lichtung tief im Wald
funkelt und strahlt’s wie Sternenglanz.
Tinúviel dreht sich dort im Tanz.
The rest of this chapter, even Bilbo’s famous line ‘Don’t adventures ever have an end?’ (T 304) is retranslated as ‘Gehen denn die Abenteuer niemals zuende?’ and not taken from Carroux ‘Nehmen Abenteuer denn nie ein Ende?’ (C 321).
Chapter 15, the remainder of the Council of Elrond, is partly retranslated and partly quoted from Carroux. The translator works somewhat more carefully than Carroux in changing, for example, ‘Bilbo, the silly Hobbit,’ (from T 354) not into ‘Bilbo, der dumme Hobbit’ (C 373), but into ‘Bilbo, der törichte Hobbit’. Other sentences, like ‘Wann soll ich aufbrechen’, ‘...wenn er zu einer geheimen Beratung eingeladen ist und du nicht.’ and the final ‘...eine schöne Suppe, die wir uns da eingebrockt haben, Herr Frodo.’ are taken directly from C 374f.
For reasons unknown to me, Bakshi’s German translator has Elrond call Sam ‘Sam Naseweis’ as a translation of ‘master Samwise’. This is actually the only time in the movie, where Sam is called by his full first name Samwise, but translating it as ‘Naseweis’ is a harsh break of mood and a proof of rather poor knowledge of Tolkien’s text in this aspect.
The chapter ends with Bilbo sitting by himself in a room in Rivendell and saying ‘I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen’, the first two lines of a poem from T 365. The translator ignores C 384 ‘Am Feuer sitze ich und denk An alles was ich sah,’ and rhymes relatively poorly ‘Ich sitz am Feuer, ganz gemach, und sinne tausend Sagen nach’.
Chapter 16, Caradhras and the following discussion of whether or not to take the way through Moria, begins with a well translated narration. In this text, however either the translator or the German voice actor makes a simple mistake and replaces the word ‘Elben’, the otherwise common translation for Tolkien’s ‘Elves’ by ‘Elfen’, a word, that Tolkien disliked as much as his own word ‘Elves’, which, for want of a better one, he had to use in his English version. In all of the translations of Tolkien’s work, this is the only known occurrence of ‘Elfen’ for ‘Elves’.
Most of the true Tolkien-lines in this chapter are not quoted from Carroux by the translator, but retranslated, possibly even better. ‘Ja, sein Arm reicht schon sehr weit’ for ‘His Arm has grown long’ (from T 379) instead of the more simple and more dry ‘Sein Arm ist lang geworden’ (C 398). Only one line is a direct quotation: ‘Ich möchte Moria nicht ein zweites mal betreten. – Und ich möchte es nicht ein erstes mal betreten.’ (from C 409) for ‘I do not wish to enter Moria a second time. – And I don't wish to enter it even once.’ (T 390).
Chapter 17, in its German version, is as far from Tolkien’s dialogue as in its English version. The text, however, is coherent and believable.
In the beginning of this scene Sam again calls his Pony Bill by its name like he does in chapter 10. The translator refuses, this time, to use it and changes Sam’s line.
B 17
Steady, easy, Bill! ...
Ganz ruhig, mein Grautier, ...
Gandalf’s Elvish lines are not badly delivered by both the English and the German actor providing his voice, although both pronounce the somewhat important word Mellon as Mechlon. The only line quoted from T 405 ‘Those were happier times.’ retranslates C 425 ‘Damals waren die Zeiten glücklicher.’ as ‘Glücklichere Zeiten waren das damals.’ As is the case with most of these plain changes of Carroux’ dialogue text, the result is not as stiff and does not follow Tolkien word for word. Carroux’ text itself often is less believable and less natural.
One line delivered by Pippin is changed around by the translator:
B 17
Fireworks are all very nice, but this is Elf magic.
Mit Feuerwerk und Rauch mag er sich auskennen, aber her handelt es sich um einen alten Zwergenzauber.
I’m afraid, the translator is wrong.
T 400‘... I, Narvi, made them. Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs.’
The doors of Moria were constructed by Narvi, a Dwarf, but the inscription and the opening spell were made by Celebrimbor, the Elf who had forged the three Elven-Rings (T 317).
Chapter 18, which is set as is Tolkien’s chapter ‘A Journey in the Dark’, does feature a number of phrases Gandalf utters in the Book. All of these are retranslated, not often very carefully. The German version features much more text than the English one as Gandalf angrily tells Pippin to be more careful. In the movie Gandalf turns his back to the audience, so that these additional lines do not disturb the picture.
B 18
Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time! Be quiet! Fool of a Pippin!
Närrischer Took! Das nächste mal springst du selbst rein! Und jetzt sei still! Verzweifeln könnte man. Ich versuche alles zu vermeiden, was auf uns aufmerksam machen könnte, und dann so was!
Chapter 19 of the DVD, Balin’s tomb and the attack in the Mazarbul chamber, is mostly retranslated and not taken from Carroux’ well set older translation. A few lines, however, show that the translator makes heavy use of Carroux’ text, including details, that are not in Bakshi’s English movie.
T 422f‘... Yes, it must be yester followed by day being the tenth of novembre Balin lord of Moria fell in Dimrill Dale. He went alone to look in the Mirror mere. An orc shot him from behind a stone. ...’ C 443»Ja, es muß heißen gestrigen und dann kommt Tag, dem zehnten November, fiel Balin, Herr von Moria, im Schattenbachtal. Er ging allein um in den Spiegelsee zu schauen, ein Ork erschoß ihn, hinter einem Stein verborgen, ...«
B 19
Now it says: “Yesterday, Balin, Lord of Moria, fell. An Orc shot him from behind a stone.
... und weiter steht da „Gestern ist Balin, der Herrscher von Moria gefallen. Ein Ork erschoss ihn im Schattenbachtal.“
Chapter 20, the encounter on the Bridge of Khazad-Dûm, is completely rewritten and retranslated. Even the line ‘Fly, you fools!’ (T 434) is not set as in C 455 ‘Flieht, ihr Narren!’, but as ‘Ihr sollt fliehen, ihr Narren!’.
Chapter 21 begins outside of Moria. The company argues about which way to take now, and Legolas tells Boromir, that his imagination of Lothlórien as dangerous is wrong.
T 443‘But lore wanes in Gondor, ...’
C 464»Doch das Wissen schwindet in Gondor, ...«
B 21
Then you know nothing in Gondor.
Dann schwindet in Gondor das Wissen
Another example to show how the Bakshi translator uses Tolkien and Carroux rather than the text of Bakshi’s screenwriters Beagle and Concling itself. It is true, that some of these scenes quoting dialogue directly from Carroux are somewhat more old fashioned than the original English version of Bakshi’s movie, but as this technique is not applied continuously the resulting mixture seems believable, though not strenuous, to the new German viewer and yet reminds those that have read Carroux of the book.
The translator chooses not to translate the original Bakshi choir song ‘Let the night never cease to call you’. As the lyrics are, ideally, not understood by a German audience, the song remains foreign to them, though probably not as foreign as the unwritten Elvish song was to Frodo in the book. Regarding this fact, the admittedly unnecessary confusion with the non-appearance of the name Mithrandir in the song becomes less problematic in the German version.
Chapter 22, the Mirror of Galadriel, is quoted almost completely directly out of Tolkien’s book. For the translation some of these lines were quoted out of Carroux’ text.
T 475‘... For it shows things that were, and things that are, and things that yet may be. ... Do you wish to look?’
C 495»... Denn er zeigt Dinge, die waren, und Dinge, die sind, und Dinge, die noch sein mögen, ... Möchtest du hineinschauen?«
B 22
... It shows things, that were, things that are and things, that yet may be. Do you whish to look?
... Er zeigt Dinge, die waren, Dinge, die sind und Dinge, die noch sein mögen. Möchtest du hineinschauen?
T 480‘... In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! ... Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair! ... I pass the test, ... I will diminish and go into the west, and remain Galadriel.’
C 501»... Anstelle des Dunklen Herrschers willst du eine Königin einsetzen. Und ich werde nicht dunkel sein, sondern schön und entsetzlich wie der Morgen und die Nacht! ... Stärker als die Grundfesten der Erde. Alle werden mich lieben und verzweifeln! ... Ich bestehe die Prüfung ... Ich werde schwächer werden und in den Westen gehen und Galadriel bleiben.«
B 22
... and in place of the Dark Lord you will set up a queen. And I shall not be evil, but beautiful, Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair! I pass the test. I will diminish and go into the west, and remain Galadriel. ...
... und an die Stelle des großen Herrschers willst du eine Königin setzen. Ich werde nicht dunkel sein, sondern schön und entsetzlich, wie der Morgen und die Nacht, stärker als die Grundfesten der Erde. Alle werden mich lieben und verzweifeln. Ich bestehe die Prüfung. Ich werde schwächer werden und in den Westen gehen und Galadriel bleiben. ...
Note the line ‘schön und entsetzlich wie der Morgen und die Nacht!’ in the second example, which the German Bakshi translator chooses to include, although it is not in the movie script.
T 476‘... Remember that the mirror shows many things, and not all have yet come to pass. Some never come to be, unless those that behold the visions turn aside from their path to prevent them. ...’
C 497»... Erinnere dich, daß der Spiegel viele Dinge zeigt, und nicht alle müssen schon geschehen sein. Manche werden niemals geschehen, es sei denn, daß jene, die die Bilder sehen, von ihrem Pfad abweichen, um sie zu verhindern. ...«
B 22
The mirror shows many things, Sam, and not all have yet come to pass. Some never come to be, unless those, that behold the visions turn aside from their path to prevent them. ...
Was der Spiegel zeigt, Sam, ist vieldeutig. Er zeigt auch Dinge, die noch nicht geschehen sind. Und manche werden nie geschehen, es sei denn einer sieht sie im Spiegel und verlässt den rechten Pfad, weil er glaubt, er könne sie verändern. ...
This bit of dialogue, although taken directly out of Tolkien’s text as are the two previous examples, is not translated as a copy of Carroux, but completely independently. There is a possibility, although a slight one, that although the translator is able to find a number of the dialogue lines from Bakshi’s movie in Tolkien’s book, he misses some others.
Chapter 23 shows the voyage down the Anduin and Boromir’s attack on Frodo. It begins with Aragorn and Boromir on their boat giving a pledge of some sort with their swords raised.
B 23
For Gondor and the house of Isildur.
For Gondor and the city of Minas Tirith.
Für Gondor und das Haus des Isildur!
Recht so! Und dass niemals ein Feind die Mauern von Minas Tirith bezwinge.
This scene is probably not from Tolkien’s book, but I included it to show to what extent, although very rarely, the Bakshi translator also is guilty of transforming the comparably plain English text into fairy tale German.
Aragorn’s speech on the shore of Sarn Gebir, near the falls of Rauros as well as the following dialogue with Frodo is copied to a great extent from Tolkien and Carroux.
T 520‘The day has come at last, ... the day of choice which we have long delayed. What shall now become of our company that has travelled so far in Fellowship? ... I am not Gandalf, and though I have tried to bear his part, I do not know what design or hope he had for this hour, if indeed he had any. Most likely it seems that if he were here now the choice would still wait on you. ... ’
C 541f»Der Tag ist endlich gekommen, ... der Tag der Entscheidung, die wir lange hinausgezögert haben. Was soll jetzt aus unserer Gemeinschaft werden, die einträchtig so weit gewandert ist? ... Ich bin nicht Gandalf, und obwohl ich versucht habe, seine Rolle zu übernehmen, weiß ich doch nicht, welchen Plan oder welche Hoffnung er für diese Stunde hatte, falls er überhaupt einen Plan hatte. Höchstwahrscheinlich würde, wenn er jetzt hier wäre, die Entscheidung doch dir überlassen bleiben. ...«
B 23
The day has come at last, the day of choice, which we have long delayed. What shall now become of our company? I am not Gandalf. I have tried to guide you as he would've done, but, if he had any plan for this moment, he never told me. Even if he had, if he had lived, I think the burden would still have fallen on you, Frodo. You alone can choose your way now.
Nun ist der Tag gekommen. Wir müssen uns nun endlich entscheiden. Was soll aus unserer Gemeinschaft werden, Freunde? Ich bin nicht Gandalf. Ich habe versucht, euch so zu führen, wie er es getan hätte, aber wie er sich in dieser Situation entschieden hätte, ich weiß es nicht. Aber auch, wenn er hier wäre, wenn Gandalf noch leben würde, ich glaube, die Entscheidung würde trotzdem bei dir liegen, Frodo. Du selbst musst den Weg bestimmen, den du gehen willst.
It becomes easily apparent that the translator follows Bakshi as closely as possible here, copying Carroux, where Tolkien is copied in English and translating the rewritten remainder of the text in a style not unlike the rest. This scene is a fine display of the way those two types of text coexist next to each other in the script to Bakshi’s movie.
T 524‘... Fool! Obstinate fool! ... It is not yours save by unhappy chance. It might have been mine. It should be mine. Give it to me! ... Miserable trickster! ... You will take the Ring to Sauron and sell us all. ... Curse you and all Halflings to death and darkness! ... What have I done? Frodo, Frodo! ... Come back! A madness took me, but it has passed. Come back!’
C 546f»... Narr! Dickköpfiger Narr! ... Du hast ihn nur durch einen unglücklichen Zufall erhalten. Er hätte mir gehören können. Er sollte mir gehören. Gib ihn mir! ... Elender Betrüger! ... Du willst Sauron den Ring bringen und uns alle verraten. ... Tod und Verderben über dich und alle Halblinge! ... Was habe ich getan? Frodo! Frodo! Komm zurück! Mich überkam der Wahnsinn, aber jetzt ist es vorbei. Komm zurück!«
B 23
Fool, obstinate fool! It is only yours by chance. It might have been mine. It should be mine. Give it to me! Miserable trickster! You’ll sell us all to Sauron. Traitor! Traitor! Curse you to death and darkness, all you Halflings! What have I done? Frodo, come back! A madness took me, but it has passed. Come back!
Ein Narr bist du, ein aufgehetzter Narr! Dass du den Ring hast ist eine Schande. Ich hätte ihn haben sollen. Mir hätte er gebührt. Gib mir den Ring! Heimtückisch bist du, und feige. Du willst uns ja nur an Sauron verkaufen. Verräter! Verräter! Tod und Finsternis über euch, ihr elenden Halblinge! Was habe ich getan? Frodo, komm zurück! Ein Wahnsinn hat mich befallen, aber das ist vorbei! Komm zurück! Ach!
Not unlike the one before, this scene, in its English version, is a minutely copied rendition of Tolkien’s dialogue, even though heavily cut. In spite of this fact the German translator ignores Carroux’ text and creates again a German version of his own.
Chapter 24 of the DVD, the conclusion of Tolkien’s first volume, is a very tight and quick piece of film. Dialogue is almost exclusively copied out of Tolkien’s final chapter ‘The breaking of the Fellowship’.
T 532‘... I do not know what part you have played in this mischief, but help now! Go after those two young hobbits, and guard them at the least, even if you cannot find Frodo. Come back to this spot, if you find him or any traces of him. ...’
C 554f»Boromir, ich weiß nicht, welche Rolle Du bei diesem Unheil gespielt hast, aber hilf jetzt! Gehe den beiden jungen Hobbits nach und beschütze sie wenigstens, selbst wenn du Frodo nicht finden kannst. Komm hierher zurück, wenn du ihn oder irgendwelche Spuren von ihm findest. ...«
B 24
... I don’t know what part you’ve played in this mischief, but help now! Go after Merry and Pippin and guard them, even if you cannot find Frodo.
... Ich weiß nicht welche Rolle du gespielt hast, aber hilf jetzt! Geh Merry und Pippin nach und beschütze sie. Selbst, wenn du Frodo nicht finden kannst, komm dann hierher zurück!
Much like in this line, the remainder of the chapter quotes directly out of Tolkien and Carroux. The changes are unimportant and small. Note the final ‘... komm dann hierher zurück!’, which is not in Bakshi’s movie script, but in Tolkien’s text as well as in Carroux’.
As I have mentioned before, this is only part of Bakshi’s movie. The film goes on to tell the story of the Rohan King Theoden, Grima Wormtoungue, the Battle of Helm’s Deep and part of the voyage of Frodo, Sam and Gollum, all of them plot elements of Tolkien’s second volume ‘The Two Towers’, but I chose to disregard the final third of the animated movie in order to be able to present a text comparable to the first volume of Tolkien’s trilogy in all of its translations as well as Peter Jackson’s first LOTR movie.